NARS New Advanced Customized Orgasm Blush Series

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NARS New Advanced Customized Orgasm Blush Series

NARS invited beauty KOL @Sayi酱 to be the Experience Officer for the launch of a new advanced customized Orgasm blush series. NARS also did cross-over collaboration with @LELECHA乐乐茶官方, where customers who bought the blush could get a free limited-edition drink. From September 11th to the 15th, NARS held an exhibition to celebrate its 25th anniversary and for the Orgasm blush at the Shanghai EXPO. Five celebrities made guests appearances, while many KOLs such as @司世寺子 posted about the event. @子望, @造型师淳子 and other KOLS shared makeup tips using the blush series. The campaign’s Weibo hashtag #愉悦蔓延美到颤抖# tracked over 180M impressions.

By |2020-06-09T14:42:33+08:00April 13th, 2020|0 Comments

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