Campaign Requirement Samples2020-10-07T03:04:04+08:00

WeChat H5 Campaigns

It’s best to use Chinese in your requirements to make sure influencers understand your needs.


  1. 利用本次春夏广告大片的#主题#,以微信文章宣扬「我就#是我#」的概念,鼓励大家做回真实自由的自己。我们相信每个人都有多面性,例如美食控爱上消耗卡路里,颜值小清新但内心超狂野!谁说这些特性不能共存?请不要害臊,只做别人心目中理想的你。鼓励大家向世界宣告我就#是我#!;
  2. 号召粉丝们关注品牌微信账号,到访H5制作自己的个人声明图,以赢取丰富獎品、免费服装赞助及优惠券;
  3. 需露出的配图+视频;
  4. 文末加入官方微信QR CODE
  5. 活动H5链接。

Content Don’ts:

  1. Please don’t publish inappropriate or disturbing text content or images
  2. Please don’t publish negative comment
  3. Please don’t mention competitive brands in text content or images
  4. Please don’t use unauthorized images

Sales Campaigns

It’s best to use Chinese in your requirements to make sure influencers understand your needs.


  1. 双十一特惠活动期间,你的粉丝在TRIWA的官网或微店凭优惠码购买Lansen Chrono 系列产品,均可享受对折特惠!
  2. 通过发布2条微博或一条微信公众号博文进行此项合作,内容中需要包括:
  • 配有3-9张高质量的图片(你可以自己拍摄,也可以使用我们提供的图片)
  • 需要提及机械化产品和Lansen Chrono系列名称,并注明凭优惠码购买所有Lansen Chrono系列产品均享受对折优惠!
  • 折扣码稍后提供
  • 官网链接

Content Don’ts:

  1. Please don’t publish inappropriate or disturbing text content or images
  2. Please don’t publish negative comment
  3. Please don’t mention competitive brands in text content or images
  4. Please don’t use unauthorized images

Styling Campaigns

It’s best to use Chinese in your requirements to make sure influencers understand your needs.


  1. 博主一对一联系我方,我方寄出精美画册供博主挑选衣服,选中后寄送该款样衣给博主进行街拍
  2. 博主发微博,格式如下:#主题# [博主自制宣传文案,可以两三句话,可唯美可文艺可小清新,纯描述生活也可以,上乘软广最佳] @品牌官微
  3. 微博发文至少9张图片,微信公众号发文至少12张图片;需包含产品细节图,及2套不同的look
  4. 官网推广链接可选择性添加
  5. 拍摄后样衣寄回,我方赠送精美衣服给博主以示感谢,往返运费皆由我方承担
  6. 赠送给博主的衣服价值及件数皆根据具体博主推广效果而定,数量不少于1件,单价不低于1000元人民币。上不封顶

Content Don’ts:

  1. Please don’t publish inappropriate or disturbing text content or images
  2. Please don’t publish negative comment
  3. Please don’t mention competitive brands in text content or images
  4. Please don’t use unauthorized images

Lucky Draw Campaigns

It’s best to use Chinese in your requirements to make sure influencers understand your needs.


  1. 通过一条微信公众号用赠送产品进行两套穿搭,展示个人风格。内容至少包含6张图片,其中2-3张需要突出产品细节
  2. 在发文中提及品牌故事,并融合个人生活故事
  3. 抽奖互动活动:一位获奖粉丝,转发@、并关注品牌官微,即可参与抽奖

Content Don’ts:

  1. Please don’t publish inappropriate or disturbing text content or images
  2. Please don’t publish negative comment
  3. Please don’t mention competitive brands in text content or images
  4. Please don’t use unauthorized images

New Product Launch Campaigns

It’s best to use Chinese in your requirements to make sure influencers understand your needs.


  1. 根据品牌新品宣传图册的调性拍摄具有个人风格的街拍,至少2个look,6张微博图片
  2. 建议包含产品的细节位置的特写
  3. 拍摄背景干净明亮
  4. 主要推广春夏17的新品,可从品牌赠送的款式中挑选一件进行穿搭
  5. 文章内容包含官网购买链接,@品牌官微
  6. 可提供博主粉丝折扣码,需具体沟通

Content Don’ts:

  1. Please don’t publish inappropriate or disturbing text content or images
  2. Please don’t publish negative comment
  3. Please don’t mention competitive brands in text content or images
  4. Please don’t use unauthorized images

Offline Campaigns

It’s best to use Chinese in your requirements to make sure influencers understand your needs.


  1. 品牌邀请各位博主于3月31日下午5点至7点到香港中环店内参观,拍照,聊天
  2. 到现场请联系 xxxxxx
  3. 活动结束后一周内发布原创图加产品图,以及微博@品牌官方账号,同时提到店铺地址,以及品牌网页

Content Don’ts:

  1. Please don’t publish inappropriate or disturbing text content or images
  2. Please don’t publish negative comment
  3. Please don’t mention competitive brands in text content or images
  4. Please don’t use unauthorized images

Video Campaigns

It’s best to use Chinese in your requirements to make sure influencers understand your needs.


  1. 在美拍视频中进行产品特写及上妆效果的演示:
    • 妆前眼部及产品的特写
    • 演绎简单的上妆过程,如需调整假睫毛长度,也可展示修剪过程
    • 完妆后的脸部和眼部特写展示,展示产品效果
  2. 请从拆封产品时开始演示,让消费者了解产品外包装及品名
  3. 品牌赠送的两款产品均需展示。可演示两款产品同时使用时的对比效果,或者每一款产品上妆的独立视频片段
  4. 大概解释下产品的特色
  5. 视频中提及品牌的微博、微信及官网信息
  6. 同时在微博发送一条相关妆容自拍的文章
  7. 微信发文:至少拍6张图片(产品+自拍)然后提到我们的官方微信

Content Don’ts:

  1. Please don’t publish inappropriate or disturbing text content or images
  2. Please don’t publish negative comment
  3. Please don’t mention competitive brands in text content or images
  4. Please don’t use unauthorized images

Live-Streaming Campaigns

It’s best to use Chinese in your requirements to make sure influencers understand your needs.


  1. 直播前一周通过1条微博发布预告
  2. 受邀博主来线下门店,挑选至少3套当季新款产品进行穿搭,着重解说品牌产地、设计师灵感、产品材质、及不同场合穿搭的实用性。同时需提到购买渠道以及@品牌官方账号(微博及微信)
  3. 粉丝福利:品牌通过博主直播提供粉丝8折优惠的折扣福利,引流至品牌官方网站及线下门店。每位博主会给到一个对应的优惠码
  4. 直播期间发布微博或朋友圈与品牌官方社交媒体账号互动,@官微,添加购买链接及#话题标签#

Content Don’ts:

  1. Please don’t publish inappropriate or disturbing text content or images
  2. Please don’t publish negative comment
  3. Please don’t mention competitive brands in text content or images
  4. Please don’t use unauthorized images

Repost Campaigns

It’s best to use Chinese in your requirements to make sure influencers understand your needs.


  1. 在双微上转发品牌主题活动宣传搞,含 H5 活动链接
  2. 同时为博主粉丝准备了活动全场商品8折福利,会给到每位博主专属邀请码
  3. 原帖链接及素材请参考(链接)

Content Don’ts:

  1. Please don’t publish inappropriate or disturbing text content or images
  2. Please don’t publish negative comment
  3. Please don’t mention competitive brands in text content or images
  4. Please don’t use unauthorized images

Affiliate Campaigns

It’s best to use Chinese in your requirements to make sure influencers understand your needs.


  1. 成功受邀的自媒体达人将免费参与到该活动中,在活动过程中及结束后,结合自身的心得体验来评价整个活动,并以视频和图文的形式发文
  2. 如您的粉丝因此而感兴趣并购买了我们的产品,您也将获得相应佣金
  3. 具体佣金机制:每季度您将获得由您粉丝带来的销售转化总额的15%作为佣金 (扣除学折扣及信用卡手续费因素),如遇到购买者分期付款的情况,佣金将按品牌方收到每期付款的总金额结算

Content Don’ts:

  1. Please don’t publish inappropriate or disturbing text content or images
  2. Please don’t publish negative comment
  3. Please don’t mention competitive brands in text content or images
  4. Please don’t use unauthorized images
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